iDevice ေတြအတြက္နာမည္ေက်ာ္ Bluetooth Software “Airblue Sharing”
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Friday, 24 January 2014 By htwe naing

ဒီ Airblue Sharing ဟာ iOS 4 ကတည္းက Celeste Bluetooth Software နဲ႕အၿပိဳင္နာမည္ႀကီးခဲ့တဲ့ cydia application တစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါတယ္
iDevice အခ်င္းခ်င္းသာမက အျခားေသာ Device
(computers, tablets, mobile phones – Samsung, Sony, HTC, Huawei,
Blackberry, Nokia) မ်ားနဲ႕ပါ အျပန္အလွန္ file transfer
လုပ္လို႕ရမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္ 1.7 MB/s Transmission Rate ရွိလို႕ file transfer
လုပ္ရာမွာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလးကိုျမန္ပါတယ္
Photos, Videos, Music, Contacts, Voice
Memos အစရွိတဲ့ file အမ်ဳိးအစားေတြအျပင္ “Open in..” support လုပ္တဲ့
applications (e.g. iFile, iDownloader) ေတြထဲက မည္သည့္ file ကိုမဆို
transfer လုပ္လို႕ရမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္ received files ေတြကိုလည္း သက္ဆိုင္ရာ
applications မ်ားအတြင္းသို႕ အလြယ္တကူ import လုပ္လို႕ရပါတယ္ file transfer
progress ကို Notification Center ကေန access လုပ္ရမွာပါ
File Transfer လုပ္ဖို႕ iDevice က Native
Bluetooth ကိုဖြင့္စရာမလိုပါ Airblue Sharing ကသူ႕ကိုယ္ပိုင္ Airblue Stack
File Receiving အတြက္က activator action
သံုးၿပီး enable လုပ္ရမွာပါ default ကေတာ့ status bar double tap ပါ
Settings ထဲက Airblue Sharing မွာသြားၿပီး configure လုပ္လို႕ရပါတယ္
Official BigBoss Repo မွာ 4.99$ ျဖင့္၀ယ္ယူႏိုင္ပါတယ္ Cracked Full Version လိုခ်င္သူေတြအဖို႕ က်ေနာ့္ repo မွာတင္ေပးထားပါတယ္
Compatible with iOS 4.2 to iOS 7.0.4!
Source –
Source –
(1) Zero configuration
(2) Native Bluetooth pairing, do not have to re-pair your device when using iOS native Bluetooth
(3) High speed Bluetooth transmission, up to 1.7 MB/s
(4) Automatically shutdown Bluetooth when transmission done to save power
(5) Transfer files over WiFi connection, it’s possible to transfer a video file in a few seconds (iOS to iOS)
(6) Automatically create a WiFi hotspot for transmission when no WiFi available (iOS to iOS, large file)
(7) Send from Notes/Photos/Videos/Music/Contacts/Voice Memos..
(8) Send any file from applications support “Open in…”
(9) Import received files to Contacts/Photos
(10) Import received files to applications support “Open in…”
(11) Send/receive multiple files simultaneously
(12) Sent/received notification sounds
(13) Compatible with Mac OS X, Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, Nokia, Android, Blackberry and other Bluetooth enabled phones
(14) Native stack support
(15) Fully integrated with Notification Center
(2) Native Bluetooth pairing, do not have to re-pair your device when using iOS native Bluetooth
(3) High speed Bluetooth transmission, up to 1.7 MB/s
(4) Automatically shutdown Bluetooth when transmission done to save power
(5) Transfer files over WiFi connection, it’s possible to transfer a video file in a few seconds (iOS to iOS)
(6) Automatically create a WiFi hotspot for transmission when no WiFi available (iOS to iOS, large file)
(7) Send from Notes/Photos/Videos/Music/Contacts/Voice Memos..
(8) Send any file from applications support “Open in…”
(9) Import received files to Contacts/Photos
(10) Import received files to applications support “Open in…”
(11) Send/receive multiple files simultaneously
(12) Sent/received notification sounds
(13) Compatible with Mac OS X, Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, Nokia, Android, Blackberry and other Bluetooth enabled phones
(14) Native stack support
(15) Fully integrated with Notification Center
To send files to other device, make sure the
remote device is discoverable. And enable file transfer/receiving on
the remote device when necessary.
Receiving is disabled by default. You can double tap on the status bar to enable receiving. (The activation method can be changed in Settings/AirBlue Sharing)
Receiving is disabled by default. You can double tap on the status bar to enable receiving. (The activation method can be changed in Settings/AirBlue Sharing)
Myanmar Mobile Users မ်ားအားအစဥ္ေလးစားလ်က္
Thet Hmu Swe
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